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- Flower/Bud: Having almost instant effects the bud is the most popular part of the cannabis. The flower/bud is rich with trichomes and cannabinoids, and offers versatile ways to enjoy. You can smoke it out of a bowl, roll it into a joint, or even cook with it. Buds grow from the nodes, but not all nodes contain buds. While nodes are not shown in the image above, we’ll be touching on them later.
- Sugar Leaves: Sugar leaves are the small leaves that grow out of the bud during the flowering stage. They get their name from their appearance as they are covered in white trichomes. Being coated in cannabinoid and terpene-rich trichomes makes them ideal for concentrates.
- Fan Leaves: Many consumers are unaware of how important the large fan leaves are. These leaves are solar panels for the plant converting light into energy. They are required for photosynthesis and breathing, exchanging CO2 and oxygen, allowing cells to multiply and grow. They are the most important organ of the plant.
- Pistils and Stigmas: Pistils are the part of the plant containing the reproductive components, from the pistils the stigmas grow. The stigmas role is to catch pollen and pull it into the pistil/ovary to create a seed. Stigmas are the hairlike substance you can visibly see. Initially the stigmas of the pistils are white, but as the plant matures, together they turn to an orange/red color.
- Trichomes: Unless you happen to be blind, it’s safe to say you’ve noticed the little “crystals” on your favorite bud. At the most basic level they are protectors of the herb, defending them from insects, animals, UV rays, harmful winds and more. But don’t think it stops there! Trichomes are the source of most cannabinoids, such as THC, CBD, and terpenes. They determine taste, flavor, and effects of each strain, and are responsible for that sticky resin we all love.
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